Thai women photography portrait at Ruins
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  • Photo title: Thai women photography portrait at Ruins
  • Author: Tuayai
  • Cover photo description:
  • The Buddha that is constructed with bricks and is covered by plaster is 29 meters long. Wat Lokayasutharam can be found on the city island in the Ayutthaya Historical Park. Known to the locals as Phra Buddha Sai Yat, this 37 meters long reclining Buddha is all that is left of a once royal temple. Many people still place offerings in a make-shift alter in front of the statue. Buddha’s head is resting on a lotus and at the opposite end of his body, his legs and feet overlap squarely with all his toes being of equal length. There isn’t much information listed at the site and you have to rely on what a local or tour guide tells you, and each version can vary quite a bit. The 8 meter high reclining Buddha is usually draped in a large marigold robe, but this was not the case when we visited. The royal palace that once stood near the temple was levelled to the ground in 1767 during the Burmese invasion of Ayutthaya, the former capital of Thailand. Hence all that is left to see apart from the statue is a solo standing prang (tower). As a UNESCO World Heritage City, Ayutthaya is mostly about exploring the ruin sites and temples peppered across the city. How you do it, though, is the question. While you can jump on a tuk-tuk and hit as many sites as you want, there are more interesting and fun ways to do it.
  • Image ID:46017596
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